Thursday, July 31, 2003

Warp Spawn Games

Warp Spawn Games has a number of interesting free games.

Tuesday, July 29, 2003

Weathering Models

Model Railroading with the Weathering Doctor has info on weathering your models and products you can use.

Monday, July 28, 2003

Counterpaneland: Arc of Fire TO&Es

Counterpaneland has included a number of Arc of Fire TO&Es.

Historicon 2003 Photos

I've uploaded my Historicon 2003 pictures up into my gallery. I'll work on adding captions and rotating the sideways images as I have time.

Monday, July 21, 2003

The Battle of Nui Pek

The Mid America Wargamers Club have a very nice gallery of a Charlie Company game in action. There are lots of high-quality pictures of pretty custom Vietnam terrain, plus the Britannia 20mm Firebase.

Ty Beard's Weblog

Ty Beard, author of Fistful of TOWs, has started his own wargaming weblog.

Sunday, July 20, 2003

Vietnam Hootches

I put up a gallery showing plans and a step-by-step process I'm using to make some Vietnam hootches. It's not done yet, so keep an eye on it. It is almost totally the original idea of Alan Sheward, whose superb Vietnam Terrain can be view in the Charlie Company Yahoo Group (subscription required).

Saturday, July 19, 2003

The Warfactory

The Warfactory has great scenery tips as well as nice galleries.

Friday, July 18, 2003

Griffen's Greys

Griffen Miniatures has an upcoming line of 28mm Greys which look very interesting. is another miniatures weblog, apparantly mostly focusing on fantasy and Sci-Fi figures.

Thursday, July 17, 2003

6mm Samurai

In addition to Baccus 6mm, NavWar now has 6mm Samurai. The codes are as follows:

Wednesday, July 16, 2003

Tuesday, July 15, 2003


Valley is Andrew Martin's site which includes several interesting items related to wargaming and RPGs, such as DS2 rules and scenarios and FMA-based skirmish rules.

Styrene Sculpting

Prow Building describes the process of building Battlefleet Gothic ship prows from sheet styrene. The whole Workshop section looks quite interesting.

Monday, July 14, 2003

Oh Yeah

Today is the one year anniversary of Little Lead Heroes. I hope you've found it interesting!

Tables of Organization

Battalion Organisation during the Second World War lists quite a lot of information on that war. Military Tables of Organisation contains more WW2 data and post-WW2 data. And don't forget about MicroMark (subscription required) on MagWeb.

Operation Telic Pics

The UK MoD has a number of Operation Telic photos on their website.

Lloydian Aspects

Lloydian Aspects has some interesting information, including the wargaming section and the robust modelling tips section (which includes a nice scenery subsection).

Saturday, July 12, 2003

Smoke Tutorial

I've never seen one before, so here is a step-by-step guide to how I made some burning smoke markers (for knocked out tanks, artillery strikes, etc...)

Friday, July 11, 2003 has a number of things that might look good as terrain on a table, especially their grass mats.

Thursday, July 10, 2003

Mike Siggins Online

Mike Siggins' contains an archive of his Notebook articles from Wargames Illustrated, as well as a nice gallery and large list of links.

Wednesday, July 9, 2003


In addition to the hex grid system and other terrain tips mentioned before, the Metro East Gaming Association has rules reviews, including the Blue Sky series and Kampfgruppe Commander.

Tuesday, July 8, 2003

Wargaming Vietnam

Wargaming Vietnam is a great resource, full of information and product reviews.

My Wargames Page

My Wargames Page (Warning: My Wargames Pages is not actually mine!) has a number of interesting items on it, such as a nice gallery and Chain Reaction battle report, and a some nice terrain and Peter Pig Vietnam figures painted up for Charlie Company.

20mm Vietnam Overview

I recently asked on the Vietgaming mailing list about opinions on 20mm Vietnam figures. Here are the responses I got back.

Monday, July 7, 2003

Low Level Hell

Low Level Hell is a Vietnam site with helicopter rules and wonderful game, scenery and terrain pictures.

Saturday, July 5, 2003

Grunt! Online

The great Vietnam wargaming site Grunt! has moved to

Painting Guides

SHQ Miniatures has a number of good painting guides on their website. All are from WW2 except for Vietnam US infantry.

Friday, July 4, 2003

Mike's Own Wargames Pages

Mike's Own Wargames Pages has some interesting modern board and counter games involving MEU, Airborne and Ranger incursions into a hypothetical 3rd World Nation in revolt.

28mm '60s Congo

It appears that Britannia Miniatures will be producing a Simba Uprising line. They have a few previews on their website. Will they produce Roland and van Owen tommy gunners? ;-)