Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Norse Ulfwereners

Blood Bowl Norse
Blood Bowl Norse, a photo by The Gonk on Flickr.
And the reason why those horns were so unadorned-- I really wanted to move on to my Ulfwereners from Willy Miniatures! These are my first non-Games Workshop "Fantasy Football" figures, and I picked them up through Impact Miniatures. Willy Miniatures has some really sweet figures-- I just need half an excuse to buy those Wights!-- and I really like these figures, although they have some scaling issues. They are ST 4 bodies on ST 3 feet! I also liked his Snow Troll, and almost bought it...but I have other plans for that! And they're coming along swimmingly, and will soon (well, soonishly) be unveiled here! Click more to see the Ulfwereners compared to a normal Lineman.

Blood Bowl Norse


  1. ulfwereners look beastly - great job, maybe pick out those veins with a thin line of dark blue?

  2. I agree the veins need work. I hit them with a little GW red wash this morning before work-- trying to get them finished and sealed so they could hit the table tonight-- and it didn't really make them stand out. I'm not sure I'll like the blue contrast, but I might try a darker red, or a red ink.

  3. Look great Andy ..... I would love to get some blood bowl in.

  4. Joe, I'll be at Historicon! I don't know about Blood Bowl, but maybe we can get a beer or two in.
