Sunday, January 9, 2011

29th ID Under Way

29th ID Under Way
Originally uploaded by The Gonk
Got some painting time this weekend and started cranking out my Christmas present of Flames of War 29th Infantry Division Assault Company. They are nice little figs, and I'm taking a little bit more time on these than I have on my previous FoW figures. Which means, across the entire weekend, I only got most of one section done. I had intended to crank out the remaining command stand, company commander and 2IC, and General Cota tonight, but I have a head ache, a cold and I spilled my beer so I thinking...29, Let's Go...To Bed! I ordered two more sections and another LCVP box, so I will have a full six sections when I'm done. At the current rate, that could be mid-February, but the current rate is pretty unrealistic!


  1. Maybe we'll get a snow day or something so you can keep cranking these out!


  2. Sometimes a good general knows when to retreat ! You will get them painted !
