Sunday, January 30, 2011

3rd 29th ID section done!

29th Infantry Division
29th Infantry Division
Originally uploaded by The Gonk
Third section done (the one on the left)! The weather has cleared up, so no more snow days, no more holidays, the kids are back in school and their functions have started back up, and I'm back into the swing at work, all of which means less time to paint and a bit slower productivity on my painting. Still, I'm not going to complain much about 103 (if I'm counting correctly) figures in the month of January!


  1. I got your back Andy, I knew what you meant ! lol

  2. No, I meant 103 record was 200 15mm figures in a week but I didn't paint again for months afterward, and sold those damned figures without ever playing with them, I hated them so much!
